
Current Electricity: definition, equations, formula and more to know.

Current Electricity is the flow of charged particles, typically electrons, through a conductive material. It is the type of electricity that powers most electrical devices we use on a daily basis. Current is measured in units of amperes (A) and is represented by the symbol “I”.

Current Electricity: Definition

Current Electricity is the flow of charged particles, typically electrons, through a conductive material. It is the type of electricity that powers most electrical devices we use on a daily basis. Current is measured in units of amperes (A) and is represented by the symbol “I”.

The flow of current is governed by Ohm’s law, which states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points, and inversely proportional to the resistance between them.

Mathematically, Ohm’s law can be expressed as:

I = V / R


  • I is the current flowing through the conductor (in amperes)
  •  V is the potential difference or voltage across the two points (in volts)
  •  R is the resistance of the conductor between the two points (in ohms)

This formula implies that as the voltage across the two points increases, the current flowing through the conductor will also increase, assuming the resistance remains constant. Similarly, as the resistance of the conductor increases, the current flowing through it will decrease, assuming the voltage remains constant.

Ohm’s law is the foundation of many electrical circuits, including simple circuits such as a battery and a light bulb, and more complex circuits found in electronic devices. It allows engineers and technicians to design and build electrical circuits that can control and regulate the flow of current to meet specific needs.

Image of Current Electricity.
Image of Current Electricity

Types Of Current Electricity:

There are two types of Current Electricity found in practical applications, such as Alternating Current( AC )and Direct Current (DC).

Alternating Current( AC ).

Alternating current (AC) is a type of electrical current that periodically reverses direction. In an AC circuit, the direction of the flow of electrical charge (i.e., the flow of electrons) alternates back and forth many times per second, typically at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz in many countries.

AC is used to transmit electrical power over long distances, and it is the type of current that is delivered to homes and businesses by the power grid. AC is also used in many electronic devices, including motors, generators, and transformers.

Current Electricity/ Waveform of AC
Current Electricity/ Waveform of AC

Direct Current (DC).

Direct Current, is a type of electrical current that flows in one direction only. It is also referred to as DC. DC flows steadily and continuously in the same direction. This type of current is commonly used in electronic devices, such as batteries, electronic circuits, and DC motors.

DC is also used in some forms of power transmission, such as in certain types of electric railways and in some renewable energy systems, like solar panels. However, it is not typically used for long-distance power transmission because it is not as efficient as AC for this purpose.

Current Electricity/ Image of AC and DC circuit.
Current Electricity/ Image of AC and DC circuit.

Equations Related To Current Electricity:

Current Electricity can have three equations like Power(P), Electrical Resistance (R), and Electrical Conductance (G).

Power (P):

The power dissipated by a conductor can be calculated using the following equation:

P = VI


  • P is the power dissipated (in watts)
  •  V is the voltage across the conductor (in volts)
  •  I is the current flowing through the conductor (in amperes)

Electrical Resistance (R):

The resistance of a conductor can be calculated using the following equation:

R = V/I


  • R is the resistance of the conductor (in ohms)
  • V is the voltage across the conductor (in volts)
  •  I is the current flowing through the conductor (in amperes)

Electrical Conductance (G):

The electrical conductance of a conductor is the reciprocal of its resistance, and can be calculated using the following equation:

G = 1/R


  • G is the conductance of the conductor (in Siemens, S)
  •  R is the resistance of the conductor (in ohms)

Current Electricity: Kirchhoff’s Laws:

Kirchhoff’s laws are a set of rules used to analyze complex electrical circuits. The two main laws are:

a. Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL):

The sum of currents entering any node in a circuit must be equal to the sum of currents leaving that node. This can be expressed mathematically as:

ΣI_in = ΣI_out


  • ΣI_in is the sum of currents entering the node
  •  ΣI_out is the sum of currents leaving the node

b. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL):

The sum of voltages around any closed loop in a circuit must be equal to zero. This can be expressed mathematically as:

ΣV = 0


  • ΣV is the sum of voltages around the closed loop.

Vocabulary Of Current Electricity:

  1. Electric Current: Electric current is the flow of charged particles, such as electrons, through a conductor. The unit of current is the ampere (A), which is defined as one coulomb of charge passing through a point in one second.
  2. Voltage: Voltage, also known as electric potential difference, is the measure of the potential energy per unit charge that is available in an electrical circuit. It is measured in volts (V).
  3. Resistance: Resistance is the measure of how much a material opposes the flow of electric current. It is measured in ohms (Ω) and is a function of the material’s physical properties, such as its length, cross-sectional area, and temperature.
  4. Conductivity: Conductivity is the measure of how well a material can conduct electric current. It is the reciprocal of resistance and is measured in Siemens per meter (S/m).
  5. Electrical Power: Electrical power is the rate at which electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or light. It is measured in watts (W) and can be calculated using the formula P = IV, where P is power, I is current, and V is voltage.
  6. Circuit Elements: Electrical circuits are composed of various elements, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and voltage and current sources. These elements can be combined in multiple configurations to create complex circuits that can perform a wide range of functions.
  7. Applications: Current electricity has a wide range of applications, from powering household appliances and electronic devices to providing energy for industrial processes and transportation. It is also used in medical devices, such as pacemakers, and in scientific research, such as in particle accelerators.

Current Electricity: Current Density Formula

The Current Density formula relates the current flow through a conductor to the cross-sectional area of the conductor. It is given by:

J = I / A


  • J is the current density
  • I is the current flowing through the conductor
  • A is the cross-sectional area of the conductor

The current density is a vector quantity, meaning that it has both magnitude and direction. The above formula gives its magnitude, while its direction is the direction of the current flow.

The current density is an important parameter in the study of electrical conductivity and Ohm’s law. It is also used in the calculation of magnetic fields generated by current-carrying conductors. In general, higher current densities can lead to greater resistive losses, heating effects, and other related phenomena.

Drift Velocity

Drift velocity refers to the average velocity of charge carriers (such as electrons or ions) in a material under the influence of an electric field. It is the net velocity of the charge carriers in a particular direction, taking into account their random thermal motion.

In a metallic conductor, for example, when a voltage is applied to the ends of the conductor, an electric field is created which exerts a force on the free electrons in the material, causing them to move in a particular direction. However, due to the collisions that occur between the electrons and the atoms in the material, the electrons do not move in a straight line but rather undergo a random thermal motion.

The average velocity of these electrons in the direction of the electric field is the drift velocity. The magnitude of the drift velocity depends on several factors, including the electric field strength, the density of free electrons in the material, and the mobility of the electrons (which is affected by factors such as temperature and impurities in the material).

The drift velocity can be calculated using the formula:

vd = μE


  • vd is the drift velocity,
  • μ is the electron mobility (a constant that depends on the material), and
  • E is the electric field strength.

The drift velocity is typically much slower than the thermal velocity of the electrons, which is the velocity of the electrons due to their random thermal motion. However, even though the drift velocity is relatively slow, it is the net movement of charge carriers that results in the flow of current in a material.

Current Electricity   In Terms Of Drift Velocity

Current Electricity can be expressed in terms of the drift velocity of the charge carriers (such as electrons) in a conductor.

The current in a conductor is defined as the rate of flow of electric charge, and is given by:

I = ΔQ / Δt


  • I is the current,
  • ΔQ is the change in electric charge that passes through a cross-sectional area of the conductor.
  • Δt. is time taken for the purpose.

The amount of charge passing through the conductor in time Δt is determined by the product of the charge carriers’ charge (q), the number of carriers (n), and the distance they move in that time (Δx). Therefore:

ΔQ = q * n * Δx

The distance the charge carriers move in time Δt is determined by their drift velocity (vd), which is the average velocity they move under the influence of an electric field. Therefore:

Δx = vd * Δt

Substituting the expression for ΔQ and Δx into the current formula, we get:

I = (q * n * vd * Δt) / Δt

which simplifies to:

I = q * n * vd

This expression shows that the current in a conductor is directly proportional to the drift velocity of the charge carriers and their charge and concentration

(FAQs) about Current Electricity:

  1. Q: What is electric current and how is it measured?

A: Electric current is the flow of charged particles, typically electrons, through a conductive material. It is measured in amperes (A) using an ammeter.

2. Q: What is the relationship between voltage and current?

A; According to Ohm’s law, the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to its voltage, assuming the resistance remains constant. Mathematically, this relationship can be expressed as I = V/R, where I is current, V is voltage, and R is resistance.

3. Q: What is electrical resistance?

A: Electrical resistance is the measure of how much a material opposes the flow of electric current. It is measured in ohms (Ω) and is a function of the material’s physical properties, such as its length, cross-sectional area, and temperature.

4.Q:What is an electric circuit?

A:An electric circuit is a closed path through which electric current can flow. It typically consists of a voltage source, such as a battery or generator, and various components, such as resistors, capacitors, and switches, that are connected in a specific configuration.

5.Q:What is an electrical conductor?

A: An electrical conductor is a material that allows electric current to flow through it easily. Metals, such as copper and aluminium, are good conductors of electricity.

6.Q:What is an electrical insulator?

A:An electrical insulator is a material that does not allow electric current to flow through it easily. Examples of insulators include rubber, glass, and plastic.

7.Q:What is the difference between DC and AC current?

A:DC (direct current) is the flow of electric charge in a single direction, while AC (alternating current) is the flow of electric charge that periodically reverses direction. Most electronic devices use DC current, while AC current is used for power transmission over long distances.

8.Q:What is electrical power?

A:Electrical power is the rate at which electrical energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or light. It is measured in watts (W) and can be calculated using the formula P = IV, where P is power, I is current, and V is voltage.

9.Q:What is an electric short circuit?

A: An electric short circuit is a fault that occurs when current flows through an unintended path in a circuit, typically due to a breakdown in insulation or the accidental bridging of two conductors. Short circuits can cause damage to electrical equipment or even start fires.

10.Q:What is Kirchhoff’s law?

A:Kirchhoff’s laws are a set of rules used to analyze complex electrical circuits. The two main laws are Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL), which states that the sum of currents entering any node in a circuit must be equal to the sum of currents leaving that node, and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL), which states that the sum of voltages around any closed loop in a circuit must be equal to zero.

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