
Heating Effect of Electric Current, Equations,16 Applications and FAQs

The Heating Effect of Electric Current, also known as Joule heating or Ohmic heating, refers to the process by which an electric current flowing through a conductor generates heat due to the resistance of the conductor. This effect was first discovered by James Prescott Joule in 1841.

Heating Effect of Electric Current:

The Heating Effect of Electric Current, also known as Joule heating or Ohmic heating, refers to the process by which an electric current flowing through a conductor generates heat due to the resistance of the conductor. This effect was first discovered by James Prescott Joule in 1841.

The amount of heat produced by an electric current is determined by the current flow, the resistance of the conductor, and the duration of the current flow. According to Joule’s Law, the amount of heat produced by an electric current is proportional to the square of the current flow, the resistance of the conductor, and the duration of the current flow.

Equation of Heating Effect of Electric Current:

The Heating Effect of Electric Current is given by the equation:

H = I²Rt


  • H is the amount of heat produced,
  • I is the current flowing through the conductor,
  • R is the resistance of the conductor, and
  •  t is the time for which the current flows.

The above equation is also known as Joule’s equation of electrical heating.


1: Electric soldering iron:

An electric soldering iron uses the heating effect of electric current to melt solder. When the current passes through the resistive wire in the iron, it gets heated up and melts the solder, which joins two pieces of metal.

2:Electric arc furnaces:

In electric arc furnaces, the heating effect of electric current is used to melt and refine metals.

3:Electric heaters :

Electric heaters use the heating effect of electric current to generate heat, which is used to warm up a room or space.

Image of an Electric Heater/Example of Heating Effect of Electric Current.
Image of an Electric Heater

4:Incubators :

Incubators use the heating effect of electric current to generate heat, which is used to maintain a constant temperature for hatching eggs or growing bacteria.

5:Industrial dryers :

Industrial dryers use the heating effect of electric current to generate heat, which is used to dry materials such as textiles, grains, and paper.

6:Electrically heated clothing :

Some types of clothing, such as gloves and jackets, are designed with built-in heating elements that use the heating effect of electric current to keep the wearer warm in cold weather.

7:Incandescent light bulbs :

Another application of the heating effect of electric current is in incandescent light bulbs. When an electric current flows through the filament of an incandescent light bulb, it generates heat due to the resistance of the filament, which causes the filament to become hot and emit light.

8:Electric iron :

The heating element of an electric iron is made up of a coil of high-resistance wire. When an electric current flows through the coil, it generates heat due to its resistance, which is used to iron clothes.

Image of Electric Iron, an example of Heating Effect of Electric Current.
Image of Electric Iron

9:Electric stove :

The heating element of an electric stove is made up of a coiled wire, which has a high resistance. When an electric current flows through the wire, it generates heat due to its resistance, which in turn heats up the stove.

10:Electric kettle :

An electric kettle’s heating element is a high-resistance wire coil. When an electric current flows through it, it generates heat, which is used to boil water.

Image of electric kettle/ example of Heating Effect of Electric Current
Image of electric kettle

11:Electric blanket :

The heating element of an electric blanket is made up of a series of wires, which generate heat when an electric current flows through them. This heat is used to keep the user warm.

12:Toaster :

The heating elements of a toaster are also made up of high-resistance wires. When an electric current flows through them, they generate heat used to toast bread.

13:Electric oven :

The heating elements of an electric oven are made up of high-resistance wires or coils, which generate heat when an electric current flows through them. This heat is used for cooking food.

14:Hair curler :

The heating element of a hair curler is a high-resistance wire, which generates heat when an electric current flows through it. This heat is used to curl hair.

15:Electric water heater:

An electric water heater uses the heating effect of electric current to heat up water. The current passes through a resistive wire or a heating element, which gets heated up and heats up the water.

16:Electric grill:

An electric grill uses the heating effect of electric current to cook food. The current passes through a resistive wire or a heating element, which gets heated up and cooks the food placed on the grill.


Q: What is the heating effect of electric current?

A: When an electric current flows through a conductor, it produces heat. This phenomenon is known as the heating effect of electric current. The amount of heat produced is directly proportional to the square of the current and the resistance of the conductor.

Q: How is the heating effect of electric current used in everyday life?

A: The heating effect of electric current is used in various applications in everyday life, such as in electric heaters, ovens, and toasters. It is also used in electric irons, hair dryers, and other heating appliances.

Q: What is the formula for calculating the heat produced by electric current?

A: The formula for calculating the heat produced by electric current is:

Heat produced (H) = I² x R x t

Where I is the current flowing through the conductor, R is the resistance of the conductor, and t is the time for which the current flows.

Q: What is the unit of measurement for the heating effect of electric current?

A: The unit of measurement for the heating effect of electric current is the joule (J).

Q: How does the heating effect of electric current affect the efficiency of electrical devices?

A: The heating effect of electric current can reduce the efficiency of electrical devices. In some cases, the heat produced may be useful, such as in heating appliances, but in other cases, it may be wasted energy. Excessive heating can also damage electrical components and reduce the lifespan of the device.

Q: Can the heating effect of electric current be dangerous?

A: Yes, the heating effect of electric current can be dangerous if the flow of electric current is too high or if it is not properly controlled. It can cause burns or even start a fire if the conductor becomes too hot. Electrical appliances should always be used according to their instructions and precautions should be taken when handling electrical components.


The heating effect of electric current,{ which may be Direct Current(DC) or Alternating Current(AC)} is used in a variety of applications, such as heating appliances, welding, and industrial processes. The heating element of an electric appliance, such as a toaster or an electric oven, is made up of a high-resistance wire, which generates heat when an electric current flows through it. In welding, the heating effect of electric current is used to melt and join two pieces of metal together. In industrial processes, the heating effect of electric current is used to generate heat for various applications, such as drying, melting, and refining materials.

The heating effect of electric current is an important aspect of electrical engineering and is crucial to the design and operation of electrical devices and systems. It is also important to note that the heating effect of electric current can be a safety hazard, as it can cause electrical fires or burns if not properly controlled.

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