
The Gyroscope and its applications

The gyroscope the name is derived from two Greek words "gyros" means "turn" or revolution and "skopein" means "view.". The above derivatives say the meaning of a gyroscope is "to view the turning".Encyclopaedia Britannica defines the "gyroscope - device containing a rapidly spinning wheel or circulating beam of light that is used to detect the deviation of an object from its derived orientation" Offline Dictionary of English says gyroscope that-"an apparatus composed of a wheel which spins inside of a frame (gimbal) and causes the balancing of the frame in any direction or position" Now we may conclude that the gyroscope is a device based on precession motion. It has a rotor a freely spinning disk with an axle installed on the gimbal(which is fixed to a massive strong frame structure), and can navigate in three directions of the space, to maintain the orientation, irrespective of any directional movement of the base.Read More
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