
What are Antiparticles, Definitions, Properties, Discoveries, and FAQs?

Antiparticles are a type of subatomic particle that has the same mass as its corresponding particle but has opposite physical charges and other quantum numbers. For example, the antiparticle of the electron is the positron, which has a positive electric charge.

What are Antiparticles?

Such particles are a type of subatomic particle that has the same mass as its corresponding particle but has opposite physical charges and other quantum numbers. For example, the antiparticle of the electron is the positron, which has a positive electric charge.

Image of particles and antiparticles.
Image of particles and antiparticles/ credit

Particle-antiparticle pairs can annihilate each other, producing photons and conserving the total charge. Although electrically neutral particles need not be identical to their antiparticles, photons, Z0 bosons, π0 mesons, hypothetical gravitons, and some hypothetical WIMPs are their own antiparticles. The discovery of charge parity violation helped to shed light on the fact that the universe consists almost entirely of matter rather than a half-and-half mixture of matter and antimatter.

Key Properties of Antiparticles:

Image of particles, antiparticles, their symbols, charges and Rest Mass.
Image of particles, antiparticles, their symbols, charges and Rest Mass(MeV)/credit

Here are some key properties of antiparticles such as;

Opposite Charge: Such particles have opposite electric charges compared to their corresponding particles. For example, the antiparticle of the electron (e⁻) is the positron (e⁺), which has a positive charge of +1 elementary charge (+e). Similarly, the antiparticle of the proton (p) is the antiproton (p̅), which has a negative charge of -1 elementary charge (-e).

Quantum Numbers: Antiparticles have opposite quantum numbers compared to their corresponding particles. Quantum numbers describe various intrinsic properties of particles, such as lepton number, baryon number, isospin, and flavor. Such particles have the opposite values for these quantum numbers, ensuring that the total quantum numbers are conserved in particle interactions.

Mass and Energy: Antiparticles have the same mass as their corresponding particles. For example, the positron has the same mass as the electron. However, their total energy (including rest mass and kinetic energy) can differ due to their opposite charge.

Annihilation: When a particle and its antiparticle encounter each other, they can undergo annihilation, leading to their mutual destruction and the conversion of their mass into energy. This process follows Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc², where E is the energy released, m is the mass of the particles, and c is the speed of light.

Creation and Detection: Such particles can be created in high-energy particle interactions, such as particle colliders or natural cosmic ray interactions. They can also be produced in specific radioactive decay or in particle-antiparticle pair production processes. Antiparticles can be detected using various particle detectors, such as magnetic spectrometers or calorimeters, which can identify their charge and other properties.

Role in Particle Interactions: Antiparticles play a crucial role in particle interactions and decay processes. They can participate in strong, electromagnetic, and weak nuclear interactions, obeying the laws of quantum field theory. The interactions between particles and antiparticles are described by Feynman diagrams and are fundamental to understanding the behavior of elementary particles.

It’s worth noting that the concept of antiparticles extends beyond just fermions (such as electrons and protons). It also applies to bosons, like the antiphoton, which is the antiparticle of the photon, and the W⁺, W⁻, and Z⁰ bosons, which have corresponding antiparticles.

Discovery of Antiparticles:

The discovery of antiparticles is attributed to the work of physicist Paul Dirac in 1928. Dirac developed a mathematical theory that combined quantum mechanics and special relativity to describe the behavior of electrons. In his calculations, he found solutions that predicted the existence of particles with the same mass as the electron but with opposite charges.

Dirac interpreted these solutions as the existence of new particles, which he called “antielectrons” or “positrons.” He proposed that positrons are the antiparticles of electrons, carrying a positive charge of +1 elementary charge (+e) instead of the negative charge of electrons -1 elementary charge,(-e).

The first experimental evidence for the existence of the positron came in 1932 when American physicist Carl Anderson observed positrons in a cloud chamber during his cosmic ray studies. Anderson’s discovery of the positron provided direct confirmation of Dirac’s theoretical prediction and marked the first experimental detection of an antiparticle.

For their discoveries related to the position, both Paul Dirac and Carl Anderson were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. Since then, the existence of antiparticles has been extensively studied and confirmed through various experiments in particle physics, providing a foundation for our understanding of the subatomic world.

FAQs of Antiparticles:

Q. What is the difference between a particle and an antiparticle?

A. The main difference is the opposite charge and other quantum numbers. Antiparticles have the same mass as their corresponding particles but carry opposite charges and quantum numbers.

Q. How are antiparticles created?

A. Antiparticles can be created through various processes, such as high-energy particle collisions, radioactive decay, or particle-antiparticle pair production. In these processes, energy is converted into matter, producing particles and antiparticles in pairs.

Q. What happens when a particle and an antiparticle meet?

A. When a particle and its corresponding antiparticle come into contact, they can undergo annihilation. Annihilation is a process where the particle and antiparticle annihilate each other, converting their mass into energy according to Einstein’s equation, E = mc².

Q. Can antiparticles exist independently?

A. Yes, antiparticles can exist independently just like particles. They have their own properties, including mass and charge. However, they can also quickly annihilate with their corresponding particles if they come into contact.

Q.Are antiparticles found in nature?

A. Yes, antiparticles are found in nature. They are produced in various natural processes, such as cosmic ray interactions in Earth’s atmosphere or in certain radioactive decays. They can also be observed in high-energy particle physics experiments.

Q. Can antiparticles have different properties from particles?

A. Antiparticles have the same mass as their corresponding particles and differ only in their charge and other quantum numbers. Their other properties, such as spin, magnetic moment, and interaction strengths, remain the same.

Q. Are there any known stable antiparticles?

A. Yes, there are stable antiparticles, such as the positron (e⁺), which is the antiparticle of the electron. Stable antiparticles can exist indefinitely unless they encounter their corresponding particles and undergo annihilation.

Q. How are antiparticles detected in experiments?

A. Antiparticles can be detected using various techniques. Particle detectors, such as magnetic spectrometers, calorimeters, or Cherenkov detectors, can identify the charge and energy of particles, allowing for the identification and measurement of antiparticles.

Q. Can antiparticles be used in practical applications?

A. Yes, antiparticles have practical applications. For example, positrons (antielectrons) are used in medical imaging techniques like positron emission tomography (PET) scans. Antiprotons are also used in antimatter experiments to study fundamental physics.

Remember, while the answers above provide a general understanding of antiparticles, specific details, and further research can be explored in particle physics literature and experiments.


Antiparticles are a type of subatomic particle that has the same mass as its corresponding particle but has opposite physical charges and other quantum numbers. Such particles can exist independently in nature and can be produced in the laboratory. Antiparticles have practical applications in medical imaging techniques like PET.

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