
What are Bots and how they are being used?

Word bots are now familiar on the internet. The bot once was loosely used for the robot but in fact, it is a software programme, without any physical presence. Hence bot is not considered a robot in true spirit.

What are Bots?:

The bots are computer programmes, created to carry out different specified tasks. The bots have specified autonomy to perform and exist on the internet and originated from a computer system, which is often referred to as software robots. The very presence of bots is found in trade and commerce to carry out many autonomous tasks.

Types of Bots

: On-use pattern, the bots are categorized into different types, such as:


The principal functions of chatBots are to simulate conversation with users online. Further, they are programmed to make communication over the phones like human beings. They perform very easy and stereotyped routine tasks. Many of us are encountering ChatBots in one or more ways, such as when we asked for a query in a tool-free number for any service in a bank or insurance company or the stock market, we hear a melodious voice with such instructions as for ATM service press 1, for balance inquiry press 2etc.

The voice we heard like real humans are chatBots, not the voice of flesh and blood body. They are chat-oriented chatbots, based on a single focused progranmme that can handle common questions but added value to the business with proactive service in a dedicated manner without any brake. Most of us are familiar with Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Google’s Assistant chatbots.

They act on our commands. Let us take an example when we command “switch on the ac Alexa” it acts instantly. The above virtual assistants or digital assistants are referred to as data-driven and predictive( conversational) chatbots. Digital assistance can learn and analyze the user choice over time and recommend anticipated needs. Digital assistants use artificial intelligence, natural language processing, natural language understanding, and machine learning algorithms.

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SpamBots are automated software designed that mimic human-like behavior to spread content on the internet. They are also referred to as spam or fake accounts. We can find spambots on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many more. Most spamBots are malicious and spread harmful, false, and fabricated content. Can be used to manipulate public opinion to gain elections.

Further distorting financial markets, and spreading misinformation leading to riots, government policies, etc. During pandemics like COVID-19, spambots were used to spread misinformation to create panic situations among the public.

image of bots
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DownloadBots are specific software specialized in the task of downloading software, and apps automatically. After downloading the files are auto-saved in the default folder. One can manually change the destination of the file by going through browser setting options. All the software, apps, image, other media files, and videos are downloaded through a server. With the automation trend all social media platforms, search engines, and apps use download bots.

Search Engine crawler bots:

Search engines use crawlers, programs that are used to discover and scan websites/web pages automatically via links. Google’s main crawler is called Googlebot. It finds and goes through the contents, updates, suggests indexing, and makes the web page visible on search engines.

Monitoring bots:

Monitoring bots are used to monitor and manage the hundreds of bots engaged in different tasks. They monitor the interactions bots have with each other and track the missing links and resolve the issues in automation. Further, it is the monitoring bots that report on website speed and status. In the case of RPA( Robotic Process Automation), the efficiencies of the technology depend on the bot’s monitoring.

How bots are used?:

Bots are computer programs made to perform different tasks in an automated manner, more faster than humans. The services of bots are used in customer service, indexing search engines, manipulation, etc.

Bots in customer service:

In trade and commerce customers are the real beneficiaries. To meet the query of the customer chatbots are used. They are autonomous computer programs that can make conversation in a sweet voice with real people, send messages, can handle common questions adding value to the business with proactive service in a dedicated manner without any brake. Most of us are familiar with Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, and Google’s Assistant chatbots. They act on our voice as well as on written commands.

DownloadBots are specific software specialized in the task of downloading software, and apps automatically and are also customer service providers. After downloading the files are auto-saved in the default folder. All the social media platforms such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram are using numerous bots for the user’s better convenience and efficiency.

Bots in search engine indexing:

Indexes are search engines’ brains. Search engines use crawlers/ crawl bots to search, scan, update and suggest for indexing any webpage, or website. They travel through the web, following links from page to page. There are very vital and most important tasks that are made autonomously for the progress and expansion of business and commerce. Google’s main crawler is called Googlebot.

Other search engines like Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Yahoo, Ask, DuckDuckGo, Naver, MSN Search, etc also uses such services of bots. Monitoring bots are in service for interactions bots have with each other and tracking the missing links and resolving the issues automatically.

Bots in malware/Spam messaging:

Spambots are bad bots responsible for sending malware/spam messages to targeted accounts. SpamBots spread malicious, harmful, false, and fabricated content. Slow down of systems is the side effect of spambots. Can be used to manipulate, and mobilize public opinion using social media to gain elections.

Further distorting financial markets, and spreading misinformation leading to riots, government policies, etc. Web hosts and website operators find ways to retaliate the spam. Further spammers find a new path to fulfill their vested interest. A confronting situation continues most of the time between spammers/hackers and website/hosting operators.

Spam bots hake websites, and social media accounts and put sensored content. Sometimes states use the service of spambots to hake the hostile nations’ important and strategic websites for their own gain. It is a fact that some aggressive and authoritarian governments also use such services for monitoring the activities of opponents in secret. Israeli spyware Pegasus is such a type of spambot.

Bot traffic:

Bot traffic referred to any non-human traffic to a website or app. Nowadays it is common on the internet platform and its traffic accounts for 40% in 2022 as reported. It is very important to keep the site safe from bot traffic as they are bad bots.

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  • October 27, 2022 at 10:37 pm

    Such a useful topic, we all had been 7song all the above mentioned functions like Google assistant, Siri, Alexa , search engine and we also had came through all the company service calls and spam messages but we were really not aware of this phenomenon behind 👏👏👏👏 really a very useful and important article……worth reading and sharing 💫✨✨💫

    • October 27, 2022 at 5:27 pm

      Thanks a lot for making valuable view.

  • October 28, 2022 at 7:38 pm

    Nice topic Sir

    • October 28, 2022 at 2:36 pm

      For Rehearsal of readers minds.

  • October 29, 2022 at 7:18 am

    This is such a good topic….. I was really unaware of these function we use daily, without even knowing it’s back story….
    Thank you for spreading such good information ✨✨✨✨👏👏👏👏


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